Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Your first day as a policewoman and you are asked to go undercover as a Ho!?

all in the line of duty? Or do you tell them to whistle Dixie?|||hand me the fishnets, i'm ready|||do it and hope you bust the police cheif|||The thought of men talking to me???!!!! Gracious, yes!|||you have to dont you?|||I gotta do my job.....and maybe make some money on the side, too! lol|||I WOULD DO IT! AFTER ALL YOU BECAME A POLICE WOMAN TO PROTECT AND SERVE AND YOU GOT TO DO SO.|||i would put in for overtime or tell them to find somebudy else.|||WILL I GET PAYED EXTRA???|||Not going to happen. Rookie cops, male or female, are always assigned patrol duty with an experienced partner. Y'gotta learn the basics before you get into the exotic assignments - basics they don't teach you in police academy.|||In the line of duty i will do it... who knows I'll end up so famous and land a Hollywood movie deal?

lol|||the popo has better things to do than busting horny retards. go round up some illegals, other wise consider it a compliment on your devastatingly good looks. men must stop breathing for a moment when you walk into the room.

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