Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The UK policewoman who refused to shake hands because it is against her faith?

Is this cultural or just rude. It is an issue in that she is in a job that may involve her touching someone, an extreme case being her needing to give mouth to mouth rescusitation to a male. If her cultural and religious beliefs mean that she cannot even shake hands then why take on a job that does involve arresting/handling/touching other people. Shaking hands is a sign of good manners in the UK and I feel that should also be respected. I would like to understand how this contradiction can be squared with her religion|||If she made it clear from the beginning that her faith does not allow her to touch a man then she should not have got the job.The whole thing is ridiculous.|||I don't believe she understands her own religion. There is an injunction in Islam to be reasonable in all things.|||She needs to change her occupation, the police service is a 'hands on' job for all concerned.......... no exceptions.|||She can have the job because it not only tops up the police's requirements for other religions and races on their database but also, because this woman would then take them to court (whilst our hard earned taxes pay her legal aid) and sue us for shed LOADS of money because we are apparently racist for not giving her a job which she cannot completely fulfil anyway!!!!

And we have to fight to wear religious crosses to work in jobs we can fully fulfil!!!!!!

B*****KS!!!!|||People who adhere to weird cultural/religious practices like this shouldnt be allowed to do jobs like this. If u can't shake someone's hand, then get another job, don't expect Policing pratices just to change for you. Selfish Cow|||I'm not racist at all but, if any person who lives in this Country is not prepare to follow the rules of this Country (whether religious or not) they should go back or take a different job. It's "others" that make people racist. Can you imagine a nurse saying that due to his/her religion cannot touch a patient? Imagine if that was a child?? Those religions are man made, they are there to satisfy a creator; who usually is still alive.|||It wouldn't have happened in my day.

What you young, tolerant, "multicultural" people need to realise is that YOU GET THE COUNTRY YOU DESERVE.

Winston Churchill must be turning in his grave.|||not heard about this one but don't know of any culture ,religion etc thing it may be one of these phobia thingys so give her space whats the big deal who knows were your hand has been don't blame her ...only kidding but it might be a phobia ...and she needs help not condemnation|||yes you are right, i think its bad manner's too, weather its against her faith or not i would be very much offended, its bogus, these people who follow Islam expect we just put up with there beliefs, i respect there beliefs but they do not respect us, and every time we say sum thing that they do is not right, they scream sum form of racism it is wrong but because we live in a democracy they use this to there advantage, but what would happen if we went to a islam country and kept to our way of life, we would probably get stoned to death, we need to get to grips with situation because the more they get away with the more they will do it, they want to take over this country we cant let that happen|||The individual in question has been notified that if her faith prevents her from carrying out ANY aspect of her duties then she will be fired.

This is completely legal even though the grounds are religion.

As to her refusal to shake hands with the senior officer when she 'passed out', this was rudeness quoting religion as an excuse.

The ONLY reason it was allowed was because the senior officer did not want to cause a scene on a day that is very important in any Police Officers career.

However someone decided that in this time of racism and anti-religion being in the news, this piece would show how petty some people of any faith can be.

As a vegetarian I will not work in a Slaughter House or a Butchers. That way I will not have to do things against my personal taste or moral view.

If my religion meant I could not touch men, I sure as Hell (or the Muslim equivalent), I would not get a Job with any physical contact.

She obviously gained the position by using her race and religion to force the Police Authority into employing her.

I really hope that her first call involves arresting a man who has to be restrained, because she would not be able to touch him - instant dismissal!

Some people don't use the brain they were born with (God given or not!)|||To help you understand, why not ask a question and perhaps a Muslim person would answer for you.

Astonishingly, this site is quite good for asking questions, SO ASK A QUESTION....

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