Friday, December 2, 2011

I want to become a policewoman(i'm 16 and live in the uk)?

hi , i have currently finished high school and start college in a few weeks, what lessons would you recommend i take, also what would the next step be after college as i don't plan on going to university, |||Deciding to join the police force is a big responsibility. For starters, you are deciding to follow the orders of a superior for money, regardless of what those orders may be. Under international law people are considered responsible for their behaviour even if they are "just doing their job".

You might want to do some training on resilience and how to follow orders quickly without making a choice based on ethics (which would be called "insubordination"). This is covered in the ordinary courses offered by police training.

However I recommend that you first spend some time visiting prisons, and the victims of crime, and make your own mind up about whether it really has a positive benefit on society or whether there are alternative ways to create a more peaceful and just society. Good luck!|||Take classes in business and math/accounting, computer learning, science, foreign language and behavioral science. These will help to give you the type of skills you'll need as a police.

Try to stay strong and fit. Participate college sports, if this helps you.

The U.K police like to know that their recruits have a good variety of background and knowledge.

Also,try to get a job where you work with people. The police look for people who have experience with the public.

Join your local gym and begin to work out there. The key factor is stamina; every time you're at the gym, push yourself to the limit.

Good luck!

|||Cool! I wish you luck!

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