Friday, December 2, 2011

If you were "stopped" by a policewoman instead a policeman, how would you feel?

pissed because my wondrous breasts would probably have no effect on her. I can't tell you how many tickets I have gotten out of with these babies.|||Scared!! because women cops are more agressive than men cops.|||I'd feel mildly irritated that I was stopped seeing as I'd done nothing wrong, but I probably wouldn't even notice that it was a woman.|||police is police whether a woman or a man|||like i am definitely going to get a ticket because most women cops do not go easy on women drivers especially if the driver is prettier than she is|||No difference to me. Have been stopped by both and my ticket was still the same price.|||I'd still feel as if I should not have gotten that speeding ticket even though I was doing 20 over the limit.

I've been stopped by a number of women badges, should you really feel any different? They are all cops and all doing the job that we as taxpayers pay for. They are genderless in my eyes.|||Frustrated that I'd been stopped -- regardless if female or male.|||No different at all.|||Like maybe I'd done something wrong?? don't understand your question unless it's a sexist slur.|||The same with either. " Oh heck what did I do"|||i'd feel the same. there SHOULDN'T be any difference. police are police. they're just doing their job.|||Would depend a lot on what she looked like. If she was menacing, would create a different feeling than if she were polite and calm.. or cute or ugly.. lots of references and inferences here.|||The same as being stopped by a male policeman, they are just doing their job, I have been stopped by both.|||No different to if I were stopped by a bloke.

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